Burleigh Wavemeters¶
Driver module for Burleigh wavemeters. Supports:
- class instrumental.drivers.wavemeters.burleigh.WA_1000(inst=None, **kwds)¶
A Burleigh WA-1000/1500 wavemeter
- averaging_enabled()¶
Whether averaging mode is enabled
- disable_averaging()¶
Disable averaging mode
- enable_averaging(enable=True)¶
Enable averaging mode
- get_deviation()¶
Get the current deviation
- Returns:
deviation – The wavelength difference between the current input wavelength and the fixed setpoint.
- Return type:
- get_num_averaged()¶
Get the number of samples used in averaging mode
- get_pressure()¶
Get the barometric pressure inside the wavemeter
- Returns:
pressure – The barometric pressure inside the wavemeter
- Return type:
- get_setpoint()¶
Get the wavelength setpoint
- Returns:
setpoint – the wavelength setpoint
- Return type:
- get_temperature()¶
Get the temperature inside the wavemeter
- Returns:
temperature – The temperature inside the wavemeter
- Return type:
- get_wavelength()¶
Get the wavelength
- Returns:
wavelength – The current input wavelength measurement
- Return type:
- is_locked()¶
Whether the front panel is locked or not
- lock(lock=True)¶
Lock the front panel of the wavemeter, preventing manual input
When locked, the wavemeter can only be controlled remotely by a computer. To unlock, use
or hit the ‘Remote’ button on the wavemeter’s front panel.
- set_num_averaged(num)¶
Set the number of samples used in averaging mode
When averaging mode is enabled, the wavemeter calculates a running average of the last
samples.- Parameters:
num (int) – Number of samples to average. Must be between 2 and 50.
- set_setpoint(setpoint)¶
Set the wavelength setpoint
The setpoint is a fixed wavelength used to compute the deviation. It is used for display and to determine the analog output voltage.
- Parameters:
setpoint (Quantity) – Wavelength of the setpoint, in units of [length]
- unlock()¶
Unlock the front panel of the wavemeter, allowing manual input