PCO Cameras =========== .. toctree:: This module is for controlling PCO cameras that use the PCO.camera SDK. Note that not all PCO cameras use this SDK, e.g. older Pixelfly cameras have their own SDK. Installation ------------ This module requires the PCO SDK and the `cffi` package. You should install the PCO SDK provided on PCO's website. Specifically, this module requires `SC2_Cam.dll` to be available in your PATH, as well as any interface-specific DLLs. Firewire requires `SC2_1394.dll`, and each type of Camera Link grabber requires its own DLL, e.g. `sc2_cl_me4.dll` for a Silicon Software microEnable IV grabber card. Module Reference ---------------- .. automodule:: instrumental.drivers.cameras.pco :members: :undoc-members: