This module has been developed using an NI USB-6221 – the code should generally work for all DAQmx boards, but I’m sure there are plenty of compatibility bugs just waiting for you wonderful users to find and fix.

First, make sure you have NI’s DAQmx software installed. Instrumental will then use NiceLib to generate bindings from the header it finds.

The NIDAQ class lets you interact with your board and all its various inputs and outputs in a fairly simple way. Let’s say you’ve hooked up digital I/O P1.0 to analog input AI0, and your analog out AO1 to analog input AI1:

>>> from import NIDAQ, list_instruments
>>> list_instruments()
[<NIDAQ 'Dev0'>]
>>> daq = NIDAQ('Dev0')
<Quantity(0.0154385786803, 'volt)>
>>> daq.port1[0].write(True)
<Quantity(5.04241962841, 'volt')>
>>> daq.ao1.write('2.1V')
<Quantity(2.10033320744, 'volt')>

Now let’s try using digital input. Assume P1.1 is attached to P1.2:

>>> daq.port1[1].write(False)
>>> daq.port1[2].read()
>>> daq.port1[1].write(True)
>>> daq.port1[2].read()

Let’s read and write more than one bit at a time. To write to multiple lines simultaneously, pass an unsigned int to write(). The line with the lowest index corresponds to the lowest bit, and so on. If you read from multiple lines, read() returns an int. Connect P1.0-3 to P1.4-7:

>>> daq.port1[0:3].write(5)  # 0101 = decimal 5
>>> daq.port1[4:7].read()  # Note that the last index IS included
>>> daq.port1[7:4].read()  # This flips the ordering of the bits
10                         # 1010 = decimal 10
>>> daq.port1[0].write(False)  # Zero the ones bit individually
>>> daq.port1[4:7].read()  # 0100 = decimal 4

You can also read and write arrays of buffered data. Use the same read() and write() methods, just include your timing info (and pass in the data as an array if writing). When writing, you must provide either freq or fsamp, and may provide either duration or reps to specify for how long the waveform is output. For example, there are many ways to output the same sinusoid:

>>> from instrumental import u
>>> from numpy import pi, sin, linspace
>>> data = sin( 2*pi * linspace(0, 1, 100, endpoint=False) )*5*u.V + 5*u.V
>>> daq.ao0.write(data, duration='1s', freq='500Hz')
>>> daq.ao0.write(data, duration='1s', fsamp='50kHz')
>>> daq.ao0.write(data, reps=500, freq='500Hz')
>>> daq.ao0.write(data, reps=500, fsamp='50kHz')

Note the use of endpoint=False in linspace. This ensures we don’t repeat the start/end point (0V) of our sine waveform when outputting more than one period.

All this stuff is great for simple tasks, but sometimes you may want to perform input and output on multiple channels simultaneously. To accomplish this we need to use Tasks.


Tasks in the ni module are similar, but not the same as Tasks in DAQmx (and PyDAQmx). Our Tasks allow you to quickly and easily perform simultaneous input and output with one Task without the hassle of having to create multiple and hook their timing and triggers up.

Here’s an example of how to perform simultaneous input and output:

>>> from import NIDAQ, Task
>>> from instrumental import u
>>> from numpy import linspace
>>> daq = NIDAQ('Dev0')
>>> task = Task(daq.ao0, daq.ai0)
>>> task.set_timing(duration='1s', fsamp='10Hz')
>>> write_data = {'ao0': linspace(0, 9, 10) * u.V}
{u'ai0': <Quantity([  1.00000094e+01   1.89578724e-04   9.99485542e-01   2.00007917e+00
   3.00034866e+00   3.99964556e+00   4.99991698e+00   5.99954114e+00
   6.99981625e+00   7.99976941e+00], 'volt')>,
 u't': <Quantity([ 0.   0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9], 'second')>}

As you can see, we create a dict as input to the run() method. Its keys are the names of the input channels, and its values are the corresponding array Quantities that we want to write. Similarly, the run() returns a dict that contains the input that was read. This dict also contains the time data under key ‘t’. Note that the read and write happen concurrently, so each voltage read has not yet moved to its new setpoint.

There may be applications where data needs to be acquired continuously. This can be achieved by setting up a Task object in ‘continuous’ mode.

Here is an example of how to perform continuous sampling:

from import NIDAQ, Task
daq = NIDAQ('Dev0') # Or whatever is shown from instrumental.list_instruments()
task = daq.Task(daq.ai0, daq.ai1)
task.set_timing(fsamp='100 Hz', n_samples=1000, mode='continuous')
done = False
while not done:
    data =
    # do something with the data
    # do something to eventually set done = True

Once set, data will contain a dictionary. Its keys are the names of input channels, and values are the corresponding array Quantities. The dictionary also contains time data under key ‘t’. The length of each of the arrays in this dictionary will be between 0 and n_samples elements. Therefore, you do not need to worry about syncronizing the timing of your read() calls, as each read() call will only return the data returned since the last call to read(), or since the task started. To avoid unexpected behavior, ensure that your code calls frequently enough so that the daq never completely fills the n_samples-sized buffer.

Module Reference

class, chan_name)
__init__(daq, chan_name)
read(duration=None, fsamp=None, n_samples=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, reserve_timeout=None)

Read one or more analog input samples.

By default, reads and returns a single sample. If two of duration, fsamp, and n_samples are given, an array of samples is read and returned.

  • duration (Quantity) – How long to read from the analog input, specified as a Quantity. Use with fsamp or n_samples.

  • fsamp (Quantity) – The sample frequency, specified as a Quantity. Use with duration or n_samples.

  • n_samples (int) – The number of samples to read. Use with duration or fsamp.


data – The data that was read from analog input.

Return type

scalar or array Quantity

start_reading(fsamp=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, overwrite=False, relative_to=RelativeTo.CurrReadPos, offset=0, buf_size=10)
type = 'AI'
class, chan_name)
__init__(daq, chan_name)
read(duration=None, fsamp=None, n_samples=None)

Read one or more analog output samples.

Not supported by all DAQ models; requires the appropriate internal channel.

By default, reads and returns a single sample. If two of duration, fsamp, and n_samples are given, an array of samples is read and returned.

  • duration (Quantity) – How long to read from the analog output, specified as a Quantity. Use with fsamp or n_samples.

  • fsamp (Quantity) – The sample frequency, specified as a Quantity. Use with duration or n_samples.

  • n_samples (int) – The number of samples to read. Use with duration or fsamp.


data – The data that was read from analog output.

Return type

scalar or array Quantity

write(data, duration=None, reps=None, fsamp=None, freq=None, onboard=True)

Write a value or array to the analog output.

If data is a scalar value, it is written to output and the function returns immediately. If data is an array of values, a buffered write is performed, writing each value in sequence at the rate determined by duration and fsamp or freq. You must specify either fsamp or freq.

When writing an array, this function blocks until the output sequence has completed.

  • data (scalar or array Quantity) – The value or values to output, passed in Volt-compatible units.

  • duration (Quantity, optional) – Used when writing arrays of data. This is how long the entirety of the output lasts, specified as a second-compatible Quantity. If duration is longer than a single period of data, the waveform will repeat. Use either this or reps, not both. If neither is given, waveform is output once.

  • reps (int or float, optional) – Used when writing arrays of data. This is how many times the waveform is repeated. Use either this or duration, not both. If neither is given, waveform is output once.

  • fsamp (Quantity, optional) – Used when writing arrays of data. This is the sample frequency, specified as a Hz-compatible Quantity. Use either this or freq, not both.

  • freq (Quantity, optional) – Used when writing arrays of data. This is the frequency of the overall waveform, specified as a Hz-compatible Quantity. Use either this or fsamp, not both.

  • onboard (bool, optional) – Use only onboard memory. Defaults to True. If False, all data will be continually buffered from the PC memory, even if it is only repeating a small number of samples many times.

type = 'AO'

An enumeration.

falling = 'FallingSlope'
rising = 'RisingSlope'
class, **kwds)
class Task(*channels)

A high-level task that can synchronize use of multiple channel types.

Note that true DAQmx tasks can only include one type of channel (e.g. AI). To run multiple synchronized reads/writes, we need to make one MiniTask for each type, then use the same sample clock for each.


Create a task that uses the given channels.

Each arg can either be a Channel or a tuple of (Channel, path_str)


Abort the Task.

This transitions all subtasks to the verified state. See the NI documentation for details on the Task State model.


Clear the task and release its resources.

This clears all subtasks and releases their resources, aborting them first if necessary.


Commit the Task.

This transitions all subtasks to the committed state. See the NI documentation for details on the Task State model.

config_digital_edge_trigger(source, edge='rising', n_pretrig_samples=0)

Configure the task to start on a digital edge

You must configure the task’s timing using set_timing() before calling this.

  • source (str or Channel) – Terminal of the digital signal to use as the trigger. Note that digital channels may have to be given as a PFI-string, e.g. “PFI3”, rather than in port-line format.

  • edge (EdgeSlope or str) – Trigger slope, either ‘rising’ or ‘falling’

  • n_pretrig_samples (int) – Number of pre-trigger samples to acquire (only works for acquisition). For example, if you’re acquiring 100 samples and n_pretrig_samples is 20, the data will contain 20 samples from right before the trigger, and 80 from right after it.


Reserve the Task.

This transitions all subtasks to the reserved state. See the NI documentation for details on the Task State model.


Run a task from start to finish

Writes output data, starts the task, reads input data, stops the task, then returns the input data. Will wait indefinitely for the data to be received. If you need more control, you may instead prefer to use write(), read(), start(), stop(), etc. directly.

set_timing(duration=None, fsamp=None, n_samples=None, mode='finite', edge='rising', clock=None)

Start the Task.

This transitions all subtasks to the running state. See the NI documentation for details on the Task State model.


Stop the Task and return it to the state it was in before it started.

This transitions all subtasks to the state they in were before they were started, either due to an explicit start() or a call to write() with autostart set to True. See the NI documentation for details on the Task State model.


Unreserve the Task.

This transitions all subtasks to the verified state. See the NI documentation for details on the Task State model.


Verify the Task.

This transitions all subtasks to the verified state. See the NI documentation for details on the Task State model.


Wait until the task is done

write(write_data, autostart=True)

Write data to the output channels.

Useful when you need finer-grained control than run() provides.

property is_done
property product_category
property product_type
property serial

An enumeration.

AOSeries = 'AOSeries'
BSeriesDAQ = 'BSeriesDAQ'
CSeriesModule = 'CSeriesModule'
CompactDAQChassis = 'CompactDAQChassis'
DigitalIO = 'DigitalIO'
DynamicSignalAcquisition = 'DynamicSignalAcquisition'
ESeriesDAQ = 'ESeriesDAQ'
MSeriesDAQ = 'MSeriesDAQ'
NetworkDAQ = 'NetworkDAQ'
SCCConnectorBlock = 'SCCConnectorBlock'
SCCModule = 'SCCModule'
SCExpress = 'SCExpress'
SCSeriesDAQ = 'SCSeriesDAQ'
SCXIModule = 'SCXIModule'
SSeriesDAQ = 'SSeriesDAQ'
Switches = 'Switches'
TIOSeries = 'TIOSeries'
Unknown = 'Unknown'
XSeriesDAQ = 'XSeriesDAQ'

An enumeration.

CurrReadPos = 'CurrReadPos'
FirstPretrigSamp = 'FirstPretrigSamp'
FirstSample = 'FirstSample'
MostRecentSamp = 'MostRecentSamp'
RefTrig = 'RefTrig'

An enumeration.

continuous = 'ContSamps'
finite = 'FiniteSamps'
hwtimed = 'HWTimedSinglePoint'

An enumeration.

default = 'Cfg_Default'
diff = 'Diff'
pseudo_diff = 'PseudoDiff'
class, line_pairs)
__init__(daq, line_pairs)
read(duration=None, fsamp=None, n_samples=None)

Read one or more digital input samples.

  • By default, reads and returns a single sample

  • If only n_samples is given, uses OnDemand (software) timing

  • If two of duration, fsamp, and n_samples are given, uses hardware timing

  • duration (Quantity) – How long to read from the digital input, specified as a Quantity. Use with fsamp or n_samples.

  • fsamp (Quantity) – The sample frequency, specified as a Quantity. Use with duration or n_samples.

  • n_samples (int) – The number of samples to read.


  • data (int or int array) – The data that was read from analog output.

  • For a single-line channel, each sample is a bool. For a multi-line channel, each sample is

  • an int–the lowest bit of the int was read from the first digital line, the second from the

  • second line, and so forth.


Write a value to the digital output channel


value (int or bool) – An int representing the digital values to write. The lowest bit of the int is written to the first digital line, the second to the second, and so forth. For a single-line DO channel, can be a bool.

write_sequence(data, duration=None, reps=None, fsamp=None, freq=None, onboard=True, clock='')

Write an array of samples to the digital output channel

Outputs a buffered digital waveform, writing each value in sequence at the rate determined by duration and fsamp or freq. You must specify either fsamp or freq.

This function blocks until the output sequence has completed.

  • data (array or list of ints or bools) – The sequence of samples to output. For a single-line DO channel, samples can be bools.

  • duration (Quantity, optional) – How long the entirety of the output lasts, specified as a second-compatible Quantity. If duration is longer than a single period of data, the waveform will repeat. Use either this or reps, not both. If neither is given, waveform is output once.

  • reps (int or float, optional) – How many times the waveform is repeated. Use either this or duration, not both. If neither is given, waveform is output once.

  • fsamp (Quantity, optional) – This is the sample frequency, specified as a Hz-compatible Quantity. Use either this or freq, not both.

  • freq (Quantity, optional) – This is the frequency of the overall waveform, specified as a Hz-compatible Quantity. Use either this or fsamp, not both.

  • onboard (bool, optional) – Use only onboard memory. Defaults to True. If False, all data will be continually buffered from the PC memory, even if it is only repeating a small number of samples many times.

property path

Get DAQmx-style name of this channel

type = 'DIO'